We may recommend oral sedation for patients who prefer a simple and noninvasive sedative option. An oral sedative can be administered in pill form and provide you with a more convenient, relaxing experience as you visit us. This type of sedation is a conscious treatment, allowing you to be aware of where you are and what is going on during the procedure. Our dentist will be able to converse with you and relay to you any important instructions.
To determine if oral sedation is a good option for you, we will discuss with you your medical history, dental needs and other associated topics. Before your procedure, you will be instructed to take the oral medication in advance so you can relax quickly and feel at ease when you arrive for your appointment. You will need to have a family member or friend with you to help drive you to and from your appointment. Once you take the oral sedative, you may begin to feel drowsy. It is in your best interest and safety to have someone with you to take you home.
If you would like to learn more about oral sedation, we welcome you to contact our team today and set up a visit with our talented dentist.